In ancient greece, a symposium was a drinking party, a key Hellenic social institution where men from respected families debated and plotted various matters. They were also held by aristocrats to celebrate victories in athletic or poetic contests.
In the same tradition of the last seven years of existence, we strive to be a place where professionals and hackers regardless of gender, race or background can meet on neutral ground and exchange ideas and knowledge, and discuss current topics, trends and problems in the broad topic of information security.
Currently FSec is the biggest, vendor neutral technical information security symposium in Croatia.
On the main stage, we want intellectual sustenance, we do not want only form, fear mongering or sales pitches. We want high quality content, knowledge, experience and expertise to be shared with our attendees. We want to hear the latest thoughts and points of view from professionals, freelancers, consultants, governmental and law enforcement branches to hackers of all hat colors from a neutral, non biased perspective.
When we say vendor neutral, we don’t mean we dislike businesses or people that work professionally in the area of information security, we know no one wants sales talks when they want to educate themselves and network. We do want businesses to show off on what they are doing and their expertise. Therefore, in the large concert hall of the national theater building on the first floor we will have our vendor showcase where we want vendors to show their expertise and solutions.
Because our guests include CSOs, CISOs, CTOs and tech leaders from information technology field of the biggest and fastest growing companies, as well as information security experts from various branches in Croatia, EU and abroad.
You can imagine that costs are high for maintaining a conference like FSec. You want to support us because you want to:
Great! Our call for papers is currently open! Submit your lecture via our submission platform. If we accept your talk, you will get full lodging (single room) for the duration of the conference (plus the day before and after the conference
if you need it), we will cover your food and drinks and pick you up and drop you off at the Zagreb airport when you're arriving and departing. So, you only need to fly in to Croatia and we will take care of you. If you are from Zagreb/Varaždin,
parking and everything is organized, so you have minimal hassle.
Sure, we have the whole National Theater building at our disposal. We have multiple rooms which could accommodate a workshop, an interest group meeting, a hackathon and so on. Remember, the conference will be as good as you can make it good. If your idea is accepted, we will even cover a supporter level ticket for you! So, the best way to make FSec even better is to help making it better.
The annual FSec CTF will also be up, as always with chances to win prizes! :)
We see FSec as neutral ground, a place to exchange ideas and knowledge. We will always strive to provide our attendees with high quality lectures without sales pitches.
The first FSec was organized at September 2011 by Tonimir Kišasondi, Igor Vuk and Vlatko Košturjak at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics.
Core Organizing Committee:
Tonimir Kišasondi (FOI), Vlatko Košturjak (Diverto), and Igor Vuk (Nimium)We never intend to commercialize FSec and in the true meaning of open source and open knowledge we would like to enable everyone to attend.
Unfortunately, running a symposium on this level has costs, but we made sure everyone who wants can attend.
You sit at your comfortable chair at work and thinking on participating at FSec? but you think it's just far beyond your budget or knowledge level? Far from it. We want to make sure everybody can come, so we have come up with different levels of attendees (you can join even for free!), so we can equally work on information security problems. Come and be part of once and only moments at FSec, so you can tell your grandchildren about it. We know you want it. Now get up from that chair and start working to come to FSec. Moment you start learning for real is outside of your comfort zone (or chair zone).
If you are a student, unemployed, cannot afford a ticket or your company doesn’t want to buy you a ticket, send us (fsec-tickets @ an e-mail with the reason why you should get a free ticket. Free tickets are issued on an amount of free space basis, although we will reserve a number of free tickets exclusively for students and the unemployed. Keep in mind that those are given out on mix of first come - first serve basis and the evaluation of you e-mail where you wrote why should you get a free ticket.
This year, we won't be accepting cash at the entrance! We will be only relying on bank transfers because of financial regulations. Remember you NEED to write an e-mail a few days before the payment deadline with a reason to obtain free entrance to the conference.
We have 3 levels of tickets:
200 EUR
400 EUR
1000 EUR
The Symposium covers a broad area of topics focused on information security, organized in two days:
7.9.2017. Thursday - Strategy day (at HNK Varaždin)
8.9.2017. Friday - Hack and Tech day (at HNK Varaždin)
We have a strict recording policy for our talks, so after the event only slides will be published from speakers that want their slides to be published. Some talks will be recorded (if the speakers explicitly wish their talks to be recorded, and they will be posted 10 months after FSec - Keep in mind, most of the talks will not be available as recordings)