The Symposium is covering a broad area of information security topics.
Additional Activites include OWASP round table discussion and OWASP Croatia membership meeting with plenty of informal networking events.
- Defensive and offensive security and advanced methods
- Forensics and anti-steganography methods
- Application and Web security
- Steganography and Covert channels
- Cryptography and Cryptanalysis
- Privacy and Anonimity
- High availability and data security
- Cyber Warfare, Botnets and advanced Cyber-Munitions
- Malware research and advanced malware techniques
- Physical security and Non-Destructive Entry methods
- Reverse engineering
- Law enforcement activities
- Telecomunications and mobile network security
- Legal and Social Aspect of Information Security
- Honeypots/Honeynets
- Social Engineering
- Biometrics and biometric bypass techniques
- Other interesting technical security content
Current lineup is updated every day:
Current confirmed speakers and talks:Archives:
2014 Lectures: Lecture descriptions
2014 Schedule: Schedule
Scroll down a bit to find out how and where to find us.
Our previous speakers include established names in local as well as global security, software development and system administration backgrounds.
We have a strict no recording policy for our talks, so after the event only slides will be published from speakers that want their slides to be published.
How to attend
We never intend to commercialize FSec and in the true meaning of open source and open knowledge we would like to enable everyone to attend.
The conference will be held in FOI's main building, the building is located in the heart of Varaždin, right next to it's city square.
Faculty of Organization and Informatics
Pavlinska 2
Varaždin, Croatia
More information on the venue itsef, travelling here and accommodation can be found at the CECIIS site.
This year, we won't be accepting cash at the entrance! We will be only relying on bank transfers because of financial regulations. If you cannot afford a ticket (if you are a student or unemployed or simply you can't cover the costs, ping fsec at foi dot hr with a reason, and you will get your free ticket. Remeber you NEED to write an e-mail a few days before the payment deadline with a reason to obtain free entrance to the conference.
Schedule 2014: SCHEDULE
Slides from FSEC 2014 are published HERE
Slides from FSEC 2013 are published HERE
Older slides are available on the wiki

Important dates to remember
Abstract of your presentation
A brief personal biography
Full presentation slides submitted (instructions will be sent by email)
All payments / registration dues
Conference days!