lecture: Monitoring and Troubleshooting TLS/SSL Payment Transaction Services via Mobile and Fixed Internet


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TLS/SSL encrypted payment transactions are boring. They are also predictable. Whenever something new and exciting happens with payment transactions it is quite possible that there is operations or security incident or even problem.
Security of SSL/TLS payment transactions was seriously challenged in 2014. We have witnessed huge security problems like Heartbleed and Poodle which showed us some weaknesses in today’s Internet payment services. Generic security devices like IPS/IDS or behavior DDOS protectors are helping but TLS/SSL transactions are usually neglected by such generic systems. Even PCI DSS as specialized security standard is not taking enough attention in Internet and mobile TLS/SSL transactions. Could positive security model for TLS/SSL transaction services help in detection of future attacks?
Availability and performance problems are also quite common, especially in mobile networks. Sometimes it seems that quality of service and even more important quality of experience for payment transaction services are even getting worse in spite of technology advances.
How does TLS/SSL payments transaction service really looks from external, client, point of view?


Day: 2015-09-14
Start time: 16:00
Duration: 00:30
Room: Room 1 - FOI

Language: en



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