lecture: Cyber reconnaissance and defense tactics on SME budget

Can SME's be more effective at cyber defense than giants failing the same task every day


Since Big Boys are failing big ...
how on earth could Small & Medium Enterprises defend themselves ? ? ?

Antivirus software has finally managed to get a de facto standard on virtually any web-connected computer.
However, those products don't even start to cover the rising hybrid cyber threats in-the-wild.
A hacked personal computer can render huge problems to the owner. But, the problem grows exponentially if the security failure happens to the commercial company.
And, from my rather big experience working with SME-s and owning one myself, is - SME-s are not ready!

This talk will cover some of the techniques which should every SME implement to protect themselves from cyber threats, and in the same time keep it on rather small SME budgets.


Day: 2015-09-15
Start time: 09:45
Duration: 00:30
Room: Room 1 - FOI
Track: Defense (Lecture)
Language: en



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