lecture: Uforia - Universal Forensic Indexer and Analyzer

Visualizing large datasets for forensics purposes


Uforia (Universal Forensic Indexer and Analyzer) is a simple, flexible and extensible framework for metadata collection and processing. Uforia is different from conventional forensic tooling by being completely modularized. Not only can the source and method of the evidence item collection, database type and database handler be readily changed, but for every 'evidence item' a dynamic number (from zero to unlimited) of parsers can be run.

With the current growth of data in digital investigations, one solution for forensic investigators is to visualise the data for the detection of suspicious activity. However, this process can be complex and difficult to achieve, as there few tools available that are simple and can handle a wide variety of data types. Uforia was developed as a flexible platform, capable of visualising many different types of related data. The platform's back end can efficiently deal with large datasets, and supports a wide range of MIME types that can be easily extended. The visualisation front end offers flexible, easily understandable visualisations of many different kinds of data and data relationships.


Day: 2015-09-15
Start time: 13:30
Duration: 00:30
Room: Room 1 - FOI
Track: Control (Lecture)
Language: en



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